This is something I often get asked, so I wanted to go into more detail about what to expect at my baby yoga classes with my latest series of posts and this blog! I know baby yoga can sound a bit strange at first, and many mums are uncertain exactly what it entails. In short summary, it’s lots of fun for you and baby! Read on to find out more.

 My Happy Baby Yoga classes are based on baby yoga techniques, so you are not expected to have any experience of yoga yourself, and although my classes include stretches for mum (more on this later) you won’t be expected to do any advanced or complicated poses!
Baby yoga is a lovely fun way to bond and play with your baby, whilst also supporting their development. My Happy Baby Yoga classes consist of several different sections and practices each week, including baby massage, stretches for mum and baby, swings, lifts and more. Read on below to find out about each section…
Before we start any yoga, we learn some lovely baby massage routines to songs, a fun bonding practice for you and baby. This is a great way to keep using the great skills learnt in my Happy Baby Massage and Music Massage courses and the babies always love this section. We do the massage dry (without oil) over clothes so that the babies aren’t slippery for their stretches and lifts later!
Next, we move onto floor stretches. These are lovely adaptable exercises to do with baby, you can do them with baby laid down, on your knee or sat up (once they are able). We learn different moves and put them together to songs, making them fun for baby, whilst supporting language development too (and it also makes it easier for mums to remember!). These stretches help to mobilise their joints, improve circulation and blood flow, and also stretch their chests, backs, hips, arms and legs. They are great for helping little tummies, (baby yoga code for pumps and poos!), encouraging deep breathing and for improving coordination and self-awareness. I just love that each move in baby yoga has several benefits for baby, and how we can practice them in such a fun way for baby and mum! During the course I go into detail about how each stretch and move helps your little one.
Next, we move onto stretches for mums. All my courses and classes are specifically tailored to include practices for mums and parents, as well as babies. My Happy Baby Yoga classes include gentle warm-up stretches, pelvic floor exercises, and a routine of gentle stretches, focused on helping support postpartum recovery with core strengthening and also back and shoulder stretches. Don’t worry though, these are not advanced yoga or difficult poses at all! They are simple and gentle and picked specifically to help support your recovering body (did you know it can take over a year to recover fully from birth?). These exercises are included to support and nurture you wonderful mums! I spread these practices throughout the class, helping to ensure babies are entertained but also given a break between their different practices. The amount of stimulation a baby receives during a baby yoga session is the equivalent to the usual amount received in a day! So, giving them little breaks is a great way to support them, while including these wonderful practices mums too.

Moving on to Lifts & Movements. This is such a fun part of baby yoga, definitely one of the favourites amongst the babies! But these aren’t just fun games to play, it is also developing baby’s balance and coordination. One of the things I love most about baby yoga is how great it is for supporting babies’ development is lots of ways, yet you’d never realise when practicing, it’s just so much fun!
Speaking of favourites, next is Swings and Dips, one of my favourite moves in baby yoga, the babies love it so much! I love to see their little faces light up and their legs wiggling in excitement! This is a really fun and energetic part of baby yoga, so I always put it at the end for you mums. As with all the baby yoga moves, this isn’t just fun it also helps to stimulate babies’ vestibular system, developing balance and coordination.
I like to end each class with a different relaxation and mindfulness practice. All of my classes and courses include practices that support both babies and parents’ mental health and well-being. At the end of my baby yoga classes I teach different relaxation practices each week. These are simple yet effective ways to help calm our bodies and regulate our nervous systems; parenting can be very stressful especially in the early days and I like to teach different practices so you can find your preferred one. Regularly practicing mindfulness techniques not only helps us feel calmer and less stressed, but it also builds resilience so that we can handle stress easier. And don’t worry, I always caveat these practices with the fact we’re in a baby class, we don’t expect quiet! I always say any noise helps us to find calm in the chaos ;)

And last but definitely not least, a hot cuppa and biscuits! I like to treat the hard-working mummies and parents to a hot drink and biscuits at the end of each of classes, you deserve it! This is also a lovely time to chat and meet other new mums and parents too. The end of the class is also a great time to make use of my beautiful backdrops and capture some lovely pictures and memories of you and your little one.
So, that’s it! The end of my deep dive into baby yoga, I hope it’s helped you gain more insight into my classes, exactly what you can expect, and why they get some lovely reviews from the mums who have attended.
My baby yoga classes run termly, coinciding with the academic terms, and covering the Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire area. Head over to my booking page now to book your space or get in touch to join the wait list for future terms. Make sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram too, to keep up to date with all my upcoming courses and workshops. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to teaching you and your little one!